Matthew "Mateo" J. Burner
Position title: Lecturer
1058 Van Hise Hall
Spring 2025 Office Hours
coming in late January
Mateo’s research focuses on the form and meaning of nouns, and adjective agreement patterns and meaning in Romance, particularly through comparative analyses of Spanish and Asturian, a minority language spoken in northern Spain. Additional research interests focus on Colombian Spanish intonation through an ongoing Phonology research group.
PhD, University of Wisconsin-Madison
MA, University of Central Florida
BA, University of Central Florida
Burner, M.J. (In preparation). [Review of the book The Asturian Language: Distinctiveness, Identity, and Officiality, by Avelino Corral Esteban (Ed.)]. Peter Lang.
Burner, M.J. (2023). The Form and Interpretation of Nouns and Adjectives in Asturian and Spanish: A Distributed Morphology Approach. [Doctoral dissertation, University of Wisconsin-Madison]
Burner, M.J. (2022). Las vocales temáticas en castellano y asturiano: Un recurso para la interpretación semántica. In E. Torre (Ed.), El mapa lingüístico del noroccidente ibérico: Contacto, variación y cambio (pp. 79-97). Lincom.
Biedny, J., Burner, M., Macaulay, M. & Cudworth, A. (2021). Classifier Medials across Algonquian: A First Look. International Journal of American Linguistics (IJAL), 87:1, 1-47.
Rogers, B., Rao, R. & Burner, M. (2020). Biological codes and extended focus: Examining speaker-driven and pragmatically-based analyses of Chilean Spanish intonational plateau contours. In J. J. Colmina-Almiñana & S. Sessarego (Eds.), Language Patterns in Spanish and Beyond: Structure, Context and Development (pp. 199-222). Routledge.
Burner, M.J. (2016). El neutro de materia en asturiano: Un acercamiento sintáctico al fenómeno en cuanto a la especificidad, genericidad y la posición del adjetivo. Revista de Filoloxía Asturiana (RFA), 16, 49-61.