Recent Graduate Student Accomplishments
- Jamie de Moya-Cotter Recipient of the 2023-2024 Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad (DDRA) to continue research on his project titled Narrating the Pluriverse: Eco-Storytelling from the Andes and Amazon. Jamie will spend six and a half months doing fieldwork in Peru and Ecuador on the ways in which contemporary Andean and Amazonian narratives in music and film critique practices of extractive development and reimagine the entanglements between humans and the more than human world.
- Katherine Ward Recipient of 2023 Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad (DDRA) Fellowship to support her dissertation titled Intercultural Bilingual Educators’ Perceptions of Non-Standardized Spanish in Ecuador: A Case Study in Combatting Linguistic Discrimination in Schools. Katherine will spend six months in Otavalo, Ecuador, working collaboratively with Indigenous and non-Indigenous teachers to explore their stances and pedagogies surrounding minoritized language features associated with the Indigenous language Kichwa.
- Sabina Madrid Malloy Recipient of the 2022-2023 Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Award (DDRA) for her project titled Resonating Resistance: The Body in Contemporary Mexican Theatre and Performance. Through the support of the award, Sabina will spend six months in Mexico City doing fieldwork for her dissertation exploring how contemporary Mexican theatre and performance arts critique social, economic, and political vulnerabilities and the ways in which artists engage in somatic resistance to violence through embodied acts of dissidence.
- Brandon J Goodale US Fulbright Open Study/Research Award to Uruguay 2022. Project title: Diatopic, Diastratic, Diaphasic Variation in the Intonation of Uruguay in Spanish. He will use this award to support his Fulbright research on Variation in Intonation of Uruguay Spanish, and this award will allow him to visit previously unreachable departments and populations.
– Lois Roth Foundation Award 2022. Brandon will use this award to support his Fulbright research allowing him to visit previously unreachable departments and populations.
Newberry Fellow:
- Elizabeth Neary Short Term fellow (2022-2023) Charles Montgomery Gray Fellow
“The Flawless Family Tree: Rooting Out Heresy and Cultivating Purity in Cartas Ejecturias de Hidalguia “
- Elizabeth Neary Short Term fellow (2022-2023) Charles Montgomery Gray Fellow
Andrew W. Mellon Society of Fellows in Critical Bibliography (SoFCB) at the Rare Book School (RBS)
- Gloria Morales Osorio (2022-2024) Junior Fellow
- Gloria Morales Osorio (2022-2024) Junior Fellow
Lyman S.V. Judson and Ellen Mackechnie Judson Graduate Student Award in the Creative Arts
- Ruth Llana Fernández (2023). Presented to a graduate student in the creative arts “who has made the greatest contribution to the field(s) of study covered.”
- Carlos Ortiz (2022). Awarded by the Division of the Arts at University of Wisconsin-Madison for theatrical projects on campus.
Bolsa FLAD/ Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal – Summer 2022
Teaching Awards
Letícia Maria Guedes Barbosa (2024). University of Wisconsin- Madison Campus-wide Teaching Assistant Awards in the category Advanced Achievement in Teaching Award
- Felipe Moraga (2023). University of Wisconsin-Madison Graduate School Campus-Wide Innovation in Teaching Award. Recognizes TAs who bring extraordinary creativity to their work and have developed or adapted teaching methods or techniques in new and innovative ways.
Rocío González-Espresati Clement
González-Espresati C., Rocio. “Constructions and Reactions to Trauma(s) in Myriam Gurba’s Mean” TROPOS, 2024.
Denise Oyuki Castillo
Denise Oyuki Castillo, journal reviewer “Literatura Mexicana“, Vol. 35-2. La Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2024.
Journal review for the “Literatura Mexicana”, vol. 35-2, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2024
Rocío González-Espresati Clement
González-Espresati C., Rocío. “Embellecimiento Cinematográfico en Cine de Crisis.” LACIS REVIEW issue #02, 2023.
Gloria Morales Osorio
Morales Osoria, Gloria Johana (2023). “Book History in South America: A Bibliography of Scholarship and Sources”
Luke Urbain
Urbain, Luke (Spring 2023). “Instructions for Uncertain Futures: Felix Gonzalez-Torres’s Safekeeping” Journal of Latin American and Latinx Visual Culture, 5.2.
Matthew Burner
Burner, M.J. (2022). “Las vocales temáticas en castellano y asturiano: Un recurso para la interpretación semántica.” In E. Torre (Ed.), El mapa lingüístico del noroccidente ibérico: Contacto, variación y cambio (pp. 79-97). Munich: Lincom.
Pedro De Jesús Gonzales Durán
De Jesús Gonzales Durán, Pedro (2022). “Post-materialidad en los Andes: espacios performativos andinos en Yuyachkani”, Latin American Theatre Review 55-2 (Spring): 21-37.
Jamie De Moya- Cotter
De Moya-Cotter (2022). “Loss and Life in the Andean Pluriverse: Slow Unravelings and suma qamaña in Óscar Catacora’s Wiñaypacha.” Special Issue in Humanities titled “Socio-Environmental Emergencies and Futuristic Imaginaries in Iberian and Latin American Cinemas and Television.”
Emi Frerichs
Frerichs, Emi (2022). “Towards a Travesti Subjectivity and System of Aesthetics within Argentinean Literature: Trasheo Travesti, Irreverence, and Bold Visions for a New Humanity.” Chasqui: Revista de Literatura Latinoamericana 51.1: 303-323.
Ruth Llana Fernández
Llana Fernández, Ruth (2022). Translation and Prologue: Rukeyser, Muriel. US1. Translated by Ruth Llana; Prologue by Ruth Llana and Unai Velasco, Barcelona, Editorial Ultramarinos.
Gloria Morales Osorio
Morales Osorio, Gloria Johana (2022). «Semblanza de la Colección Biblioteca Popular de Cultura Colombiana (1942-1952)». En Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes – Portal Editores y Editoriales Iberoamericanos (siglos XIX-XXI) – EDI-RED
Morales Osorio, Gloria Johana (2022). “Apresar sin hacer daño: el buen gobierno en Ingermina o la hija de Calamar” in Revista de Estudios Hispánicos (Washington University in Saint Louis), 56. 145-167.
Isabel Martín Sánchez
Martín Sánchez, Isabel (2022). “Violeta Luna: Dramaturgia sonora y performatividad de la desaparición en Requiem#3.” Latin American Theatre Review 56.1 (Fall 2022): 63-84. Article.
Carlos Ortiz
Ortiz, Carlos (2022). “Awaiting Revolution: Performing Chile’s Hierarchies in Ernesto Orellana’s Inútiles.” Symposium: A Quarterly Journal in Modern Literatures.
Ortiz, Carlos (2022). “Manuela Infante.” Fifty Key Figures in LatinX and Latin American Theatre. eds. Paola Hernández and Analola Santana. Routledge, 2022. pp. 87-90.
Mariana Oliveira
Oliveira, Mariana (2022). “A ilha de Cecília Meireles.” Opiniães, São Paulo, n.o17 (July):20-30.
Matthew Burner
Biedny, J., Burner, M., Macaulay, M. & Cudworth, A. (2021). “Classifier Medials across Algonquian: A First Look.” International Journal of American Linguistics (IJAL), 87:1, 1-47.
Ruth Llana Fernández
Llana Fernández, Ruth (2021). La primavera del saguaro. Barcelona, Ultramarinos editorial. Poetry book.
Gloria Morales Osorio
Morales Osorio, Gloria Johana (2021). Book Review: “Fruit of the Drunken Tree, Ingrid Rojas Contreras (2018)”. Latin American Literature Today, Number 17
Matthew Burner
Rodgers, B., Rao, R. & Burner, M. (2020). “Biological codes and extended focus: Examining speaker-driven and pragmatically-based analyses of Chilean Spanish intonational plateau contours.” In J. J. Colmina-Almiñana & S. Sessarego (Eds.), Language Patterns in Spanish and Beyond: Structure, Context and Development (pp. 199-222). UK: Routledge.
Levi Cross
The Future is the Birds and the Bees: Eroticism as Survival in A extinção das abelhas. APSA 13th International Conference, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island.
Estefanía Galindo-Navarro
How discussing bilingualism influences language perspectives: measuring Spanish learners’ attitudes towards bilingualism in the Midwest. Bilingualism, Bilingual Education, and Social Conflict Conference – Madrid, Spain.
Letícia Barbosa
Tijolos em Rasantes Voos: Racialized Labor Dynamics and Disability in Conceição Evaristo’s Um Piano para Yá Dulcina. Midwest Modern Language Association (MMLA), Chicago, Illinois.
Performing the Black Self in the Diaspora: Redaction and Flight in the Autobiographical Performances of Dori Nigro and Aline Motta. APSA 13th International Conference, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island.
Identidade e Alteridade entre Imigrantes Africanos em Portugal: Uma Análise de Os vivos, o morto e o peixe-frito, de Ondjaki. XIV Congresso da Associação Internacional de Lusitanistas, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal.
Kiley Specht
Analyzing the gap in mood choice of L1 and advanced L2 Spanish speakers with expressions of emotion in the past tense. Hispanic Linguistics Symposium – Omaha, Nebraska.
How discussing bilingualism influences language perspectives: measuring Spanish learners’ attitudes towards bilingualism in the Midwest. Bilingualism, Bilingual Education, and Social Conflict Conference – Madrid, Spain.
De Moya-Cotter, Jamie, editorial board member of the new LACIS Review journal (UW-Madison),
González-Espresati Clement, Rocío, editorial board member in LACIS Review and Editor and translator of 4W_WIT’s project “Translation Ecologies: Unthinking the Binary”
Guedes Barbosa, Letícia, editor. “Luso-texugo Magazine”. Luso-texugo Magazine, vol. 1, no. 1, 2023, pp. 1-13,
Ortiz, Carlos, journal reviewer for Brújula: Revista interdisciplinarian sobre estudios latinoamericanos. Vol 12. Contemporary Performance in Latin America. University of California-Davis.
Carlos Ortiz and Jorge Cienfuegos, directors
Alejandro Ricaño’s El amor de las luciérnagas (full production by Teatro Décimo Piso).
Hemsley Theatre, University of Wisconsin-Madison, February 28-March, 2020.
González-Espresati Clement, Rocío. Invited to visit Coe College as a Spring 2024 ACM Emerging Scholars Fellow in collaboration with the Big Ten Academic Alliance.
Fernández, Ruth Llana. Invited as an author representative of Spain to the XVI Festival Internacional de Poesía de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Mazzei, Florencia. The Language Experience and Proficiency Questionnaire (LEAP-Q); developed by Marian, Blumenfeld, and Kaushanskaya in 2007; was modified by its authors in 2024. I updated the Spanish translation to reflect the changes they implemented. This updated translation is available at Northwestern University’s Bilingualism and Psycholinguistics Laboratory website through the following link: