AP, IB and High School Dual Enrollment Credit

There are two Spanish AP exams, one in Language and one in Literature.

Spanish Language AP Exam

  • Students with a score of 3 or 4 on this exam will earn credit for Spanish 204, effectively placing them into Spanish 226.
  • Students with a score of 5 on this exam will earn credit for Spanish 226, effectively placing them into Spanish 222, 223, 224, 225, and/or 311.

Spanish Literature AP Exam

  • Students with a score of 3 on this exam will earn credit for Spanish 204, effectively placing them into Spanish 226.
  • Students with a score of 4 or 5 on this exam will earn credit for Spanish 224. Because Spanish 224 is outside of our Spanish Language Sequence, students in this situation should also take the Spanish placement exam to determine placement if they wish to continue their Spanish study at UW-Madison. Many students in this situation place into either Spanish 226 or 311.

Spanish elective credit is awarded for scores of 4–7 on the higher-level (HL) exams. Students
who receive an IB Diploma with a minimum score of 28 are eligible for 3 additional elective

Foreign Language (Spanish)

  • FL A: Literature awards 6 Advanced Spanish Literature Electives
  • FL A: Language and Literature awards 6 Advanced Spanish Literature Electives
  • FL B awards 6 Advanced Spanish Electives

Elective credits in Spanish cannot determine placement so students with IB credit in Spanish should also take the Spanish placement exam to determine placement if they wish to continue their Spanish study at UW-Madison.

High school dual enrollment programs in Spanish are becoming more commonplace, and there
are three that we see regularly. Students who participated in a high school dual enrollment
program not listed below should feel free to reach out to Karen Francis.

UW-Oshkosh Cooperative Academic Partnership Program (CAPP)

  • UWO CAPP Course Spanish 204 equates to UW-Madison Course Spanish 204, effectively placing students with this credit into Spanish 226.
  • UWO CAPP Course Spanish 312 equates to UW-Madison Course Spanish 226, effectively placing students with this credit into Spanish 222, 223, 224, 225, and/or 311.

CAPP students who earn a grade of ‘B’ or better in the first course taken through their dual enrollment program will earn retroactive credits from UWO. Those retro-credits transfer to UW Madison along with the course(s) those students took through CAPP. Very often, however, students send their transcripts to UW-Madison before the retro-credits have been applied to their records at UWO. The simple solution is for those students to send another transcript here after the retro-credits appear there. These students do not have to take another Spanish course here at UW-Madison to earn those retro-credits.

UW-Green Bay College Credit in High School (CCIHS) Program

  • UWGB CCIHS Course Spanish 201 equates to UW-Madison Course Spanish 203, effectively placing students with this credit into Spanish 204.
  • UWGB CCIHS Course Spanish 202 equates to UW-Madison Course Spanish 204, effectively placing students with this credit into Spanish 226.
  • UWGB CCIHS Course Spanish 225 equates to UW-Madison Course Spanish 226, effectively placing students with this credit into Spanish 222, 223, 224, 225, and/or 311.

CCIHS students who earn a grade of ‘B’ or better in the first course taken through their dual enrollment program will earn retroactive credits from UWGB. Those retro-credits transfer to UW Madison along with the course(s) those students took through CCIHS. Very often, however, students send their transcripts to UW-Madison before the retro-credits have been applied to their records at UWGB. The simple solution is for those students to send another transcript here after the retro-credits appear there. These students do not have to take another Spanish course here at UW-Madison to earn those retro-credits.

University of Minnesota College in the Schools (CIS)

  • UMN CIS Course Spanish 1003 equates to UW-Madison Course Spanish 203, effectively placing students with this credit into Spanish 204.
  • UMN CIS Course Spanish 1003 equates to UW-Madison Course Spanish 204, effectively placing students with this credit into Spanish 226.

CIS students do not earn retroactive credits. Those students, then, are eligible to earn retro-credits for Spanish 101 and 102 by taking Spanish 226 here.

UW-Madison’s Early College Credit Program (ECCP)

These students will have taken one or more UW-Madison Spanish courses, generally Spanish 226 and above, as a high school junior or senior. They are eligible to earn retroactive credits from that ECCP course once they become fully matriculated at UW-Madison, even if they do not take further Spanish courses.