Karen Francis

Credentials: Undergraduate Advisor

Email: karen.francis@wisc.edu

1012 Van Hise Hall

headshot: Karen Francis

Undergraduate Advising Page

Karen arrived in the Department in December 2005 to assume the newly-created role of Undergraduate Advisor. A graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison herself, she earned a BS in Spanish here five years earlier. She has found her calling and loves working with the undergraduates in the Department. She is an incurable nerd with a special love for all things Tolkien. Mae g’ovannen!

Academic Year 2024-25 Schedule

On Campus:
8:00am-4:00pm Tuesday-Thursday
8:00am-4:00pm Monday and Friday

Honors and Awards

  • Outstanding Achievement in Undergraduate Advising Award (February 2016)
  • College of Letters & Science Advising Award (May 2013)
  • Alpha Phi Recognition (April 2013)
  • Center for the First-Year Experience Outstanding Work with First-Year Students Award (November 2012)

On Wisconsin!