Rajiv Rao
Credentials: Director - Language Sciences Program
Position title: Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor
Email: rgrao@wisc.edu
Phone: (608) 262-4712
1142 Van Hise Hall

Hear My Name
Spring 2025 Office Hours
by appointment (remote)
What factors affect the way we sound when we speak a language? Rajiv Rao is interested in providing some answers to this question, namely for Spanish, at the level of both prosody (i.e., intonation, stress, rhythm) and individual sounds. He has looked at effects on the sound system of Spanish related to syllables, words, phrases, pragmatic and syntactic conditions, and social variables. While his dissertation focused on a variety of Peninsular Spanish, his current agenda revolves around Spanish in the Americas. In the classroom, Rajiv integrates these research interests into courses dealing with general Spanish linguistics and Spanish phonetics and phonology at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. His interests include Phonetics, Phonology, Prosody, Heritage Languages, Afro-Hispanic Linguistics, and Second Language Acquisition.
PhD, University of California, Davis